Friday, May 21, 2010

'Artificial Shakespeare' breakthrough announced by scientists

Scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first synthetic Shakespeare.

The researchers constructed a Shakespeare play by assembling "sentences" using 26 sterile letters then printing it out on an old printer.

The Scientists at Craig Venter laboratories emphasize the massive potential of their technology. "We copied 'Romeo and Juliet' a few words at a time and stiched them all together, and ended up with a copy of the original play. We thus have made synthetic William Shakespeare, and will be able to transform literature."

Critics have asserted however that this work, albeit impressive, should not be described as producing "artificial Shakespeare". Speaking to the Gullible Broadcasting Corporation, Nobel
Laureate Sir Paul Nurse said "You lot shouldn't be so gullible. What they have actually done is copy Romeo and Juliet a few words at a time and stiched them all together."

Other news: playing God?

Bioethicists have reacted with caution to the announcement that scientists in the US have transplanted blood from one human to another.


  1. Excellent topical commentary!

  2. we don't see human vrs. chess computer in the news much any more ...and i doubt that Steven King wants to compete with robot's for book opens up a new section of laws and lawyers computer/machine vrs. human law
